Equus products are always top-notch
Apr 15, 2023
Laura D
"Equus Psyllium Pellets are the best on the market. They smell great, almost like anise, and must taste great, as my horses will eat it like candy. The pellet form insures that no powder is dropping to the bottom of the grain bucket and that the horses consume the greatest amount of psyllium possible per serving. My only complaint is the price increase over the last few years. I started buying this in 2016 when I moved to New Mexico and the horses were put on a sand lot. Back then I though the price was reasonable; now I take a big gulp when I make the purchase. However, I stick with it as I think it's a great product."
Horses eat it. Nice licorice smell
Jan 17, 2023
Kurt V
"Nice product. I empty the 50# box into a waterproof pickle container to keep it dry. I give it every 6 weeks instead of 4 weeks. 50# lasts 12 months for my 4 horses."
Sep 14, 2022
Kimberly G
"My horses will eat this product better than the competitor's product. It also has a better price point. I highly recommend it to anyone that desires a psyllium pellet supplement."
Horses Will Eat It Willingly
January, 2021
Teresa H.
"My horses will eat it willingly and it works fantastic. I bought a horse and he had a heavy sand load in his fecal float. I treated him with this product and he was clear within 2 weeks. I do a monthly treatment with all my horses and it works great."
Horses Love The Licorice Flavor
January, 2021
Beverly K.
"My horses love the licorice flavor and will eat this better than anything else."
The Donkeys Ate It!
December, 2020
Suzanne M.
"What??? The donkeys ate it! Woot! We have tried every psyllium product available with no success until we stumbled upon this one. They eat it with their Timothy hay pellets without reservation. Whew!"
Works Fantastic
December, 2020
Debra C.
"I live out in an arid clime, where blow sand is the 'norm'. Sand colic is quite prevalent here. The horses love this, think it's a treat. Works fantastic and helps to keep my little herd healthy.”
Reasonable In Cost
November, 2020
Carla W.
“Reasonable in cost and my horses love the licorice flavor.”
Quality Product
November, 2020
Kitty M.
“Quality product and my horses love it.”
​Dedicated To My Horses
November, 2020
Loriann G.
"Dedicated to my horses monthly health."
Used For Horses Living In Sand By The Beach
October, 2020
Stuart M.
“My horses live in the sand by the beach, and it is an ongoing issue. This product is free of chemicals, is clean and palatable.”
Priced Reasonably and Horses Love Flavor
October, 2020
Carla W.
“Reasonable in cost and my horses love the licorice flavor.”
Good Preventative With Pasture Turnout
October, 2020
Amy B.
“Just a good preventative for my daughter's and my geldings, with their pasture turnout.”
Equus Psyllium
August, 2020
"I have been using this product for a long time now. My horses eat it up and so far no problems with sand. Good price also.”
Horses Love Taste
March, 2020
A Necessity At A Good Price
February, 2020
Yvonne S.
“Good product, a necessity, and good price!”
Prevention Saves A Lot of Money
December, 2019
Diane W.
“7 years ago it cost us $5,000 for impaction surgery on our mini stallion. We have been feeding this product since then and no problems at all with dirt/sand in gut. Minis get 1 oz. each, twice a day. Great product.”
Fussy Horses Will Eat Product
September, 2019
Thomas B.
“I have fussy horses that will not eat the other psyllium products, but they like this and it works well.”
Equus Psyllium Fiber Blend
January, 2019
Sandra R.
"This helps my pasture horses stay healthy and happy, no tummy problems or a tummy ache, it’s so great to have a product that is easy and healthy, thank you from me and my four sons!"
Equus Psyllium
August, 2018
Barbara B.
"I LOVE this product. The anise scent is great – I think so and the horses think so !! The pellet form is so easy to feed – out of your hand or in with the grain – I hate the powdery product – too hard to feed. I also appreciate the fact they don’t add a lot of other ingredients to it, just what I want to avoid or treat sand colic- no extra added anything – thank goodness! Very palatable!!"
Wonderful Product
August, 2018
Debra C.
"I have tried several brands of sand colic treatment over the years and have found Equus Psyllium Pellets to be the most palatable to my horses (which range from Mustangs to Appendix QH). It is easy to add to their feed and I’ve had the best results with it for over 12 years. If you have problems with sandy soils, I highly recommend this product."
Benefit Proven Through Use
April, 2018
Roial A.
"I have used EQUUS Psyllium pellets as a feeding supplement for years in an effort to avoid the incidence of colic in my horses. The soil where I live is sandy and, even though my horses eat off the ground, I have not had a case of colic as long as I have been feeding the psyllium as directed – seven days out of the month – without fail."
Recommended By Veterinarian
February, 2018
Michael S. Robinson, D.V.M., PC
Tucson, Arizona
"This review is regarding the Psyllium Fiber Blend Pellets produced by Equus International. The owner of the company, Richard Goodman, has been a client for more than 20 years. His integrity and concern for quality has always been very high. Prior to using Equus Psyllium Pellets, I had tried other similar products. This product is the best! It works very well and the horses tend to eat it better, than other products used earlier within my practice. Working in the desert Southwest, I have treated a lot of sand colic problems in the last 31 years of practice and in working with equine practitioners for 44 years. In general, I only use Equus International's Psyllium Fiber Blend product, for horses with sand problems."
Gives Us Peace Of Mind, As Owners
September, 2016
Stew from Honolulu, HI, USA
"We have Arabian horses in a Hawaii. We take them to worldwide competitions for endurance and noticed this product being used in France during the European endurance championships which we participate in. We talked to a Belgian group in the competition who strongly recommended Equus Psyllium Fiber Blend. They said it prevents malabsorption and impaction related potential for colic before the events and afterward. We would highly recommend this product and consider it the best product of its kind in the world. We have seen many friends in our sport who have lost horses to impaction related issues. We trust this product implicitly and have been using it for 10 years."
Best Bang For Your Buck
June, 2014
Hickorydickory from Cheyenne, WY, USA
"I have tried many different brands of psyllium pellets for my animals, and these are by far the best I have used. They are licorice-flavored which my animals love, have no preservatives or added sugar, and cost less. Win, win, win!"
Highly Recommended!
May, 2010
Vicky from USA
"I started using this product 10 years ago when I first acquired my now 30 year old appy gelding. Within a couple days, he had passed 6 STONES in his manure varying in size from a cherry to a small apricot! I’ve been using it ever since."